Join the practice

New Patient Registration

Wateringbury Surgery is the main surgery and Larkfield is the branch surgery.

All Doctors, Nurses, Health Care Assistant and staff work at both surgeries.  You have the choice to be seen at either surgery.  However, if there is no appointment available at your preferred surgery you will be offered an appointment at the other surgery.  Larkfield is a smaller surgery and some services are not available e.g. minor surgery and you will be expected to attend Wateringbury Surgery.

Image of a receptionist


All newly registered patients over the age of five on regular medication are asked to have a health check with the practice nurse within four weeks of joining the practice and an appointment will be offered on registering with the practice nurse.

As it often takes sometime for records to be forwarded from your former practice all newly registered patients will be asked to complete a health questionnaire and are offered a consultation with the doctor. 

Medical treatment is available from the date of registration.  Please contact reception for further information.


Live within boundary area?

To be eligible to register at the practice, you must live within the practice catchment area.


Registration Form

Use our NHS online registration form below:



Named Accountable GP

From 1st April 2015 onwards Practices are required, under the GMS contract, to allocate a named accountable GP to all patients, including children. This GP is responsible for the patients’ overall care. However, patients can still book appointments or telephone consultations with any GP in the practice.

The Practice has always operated a personal list system so our patients are familiar with having a personal GP and this GP will be their named accountable GP.

New patients registering from 1st April 2015 onwards will be informed of their named GP at the point of registration.

If you were registered with us before 1st April 2015 and were aged over 75 or took part in the Unplanned Emergency Admissions service provision you will have already been allocated a named accountable GP and notified in writing – this named GP will remain the same and will not change.

Should you express a wish to change your named GP we will do our best to accommodate your wishes.  Please contact the surgery requesting the change.

You can find the name of allocated GP on your repeat prescription request slip. If you do not have a repeat prescription and wish to know who is your allocated GP please contact the surgery.